Take Office 365 Support to overcome Office 365 error code 120020

Sometimes, when you attempt to install Microsoft office 365 into your system, it throws an error and put a halt to installing process. One such error is Microsoft Office error code 120020, which usually tries to explain the cause of office installation failure. This error code can be crop up due to several reasons. Due to the corruption of system files or presence of previous installed system files may cause this error. Whatever the reason, if you want to install office 365, then you need to get rid of this error first. If you don’t know the procedure to fix this error, then you can take Office 365 Support at once. By taking this support, you will be able to install office 365 properly on your system. 

Although, here we mentioned list of troubleshooting steps to resolve this error. You need to follow them very carefully. But, first look at the reasons behind the occurrence of this error code 120020.

Common causes for error code 120020:

1.       Windows firewall or installed antivirus software might be blocking the installation of office

2.       Poor internet connection or proxy settings may prevent office from installing

3.       There is another version of an office suite is blocking the installation

Now, follow the below mentioned troubleshooting steps to overcome Microsoft Office error code 120020:

1.       When a previous version of office is already installed in your system and you try to install a newest version, then you may see error code 120020. Here are some ways that you can try to clear out this error.

2.       By repairing your office 365 with office repair tool, you can replace all the corrupted system files with the non-corrupted files. After that you can easily install Microsoft office in your system.

3.       If the repairing process doesn’t able to resolve your issue, then you need to remove and reinstall the office suite to fix this error code 120020.

4.       You can remove office by 2 ways, one is from the system un-installation and another one is by applying manual steps.

5.       After removing the office, you need to download latest version of office and then install it into your system. 

If you have reached here, after following the above troubleshooting steps, then you might be able to fix the error code 120020. But, if error still unanswered, then we propose you to make contact with our highly trained professionals. For this, you need to grab Microsoft 365 Support and take assistance from the technicians to overcome this error.


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